

Aiastudio was founded in 2000 by architects Alessandro Sannino and Anna Mezquita. 

Aiastudio was created to provide integral, efficient and quality services in architecture.

Through these years we have kept this spirit, accumulated experience and implemented continuous improvement as we pursue new goals every day.

We strive to provide honest, efficient and professional service to our customers through a trusting relationship, which we regard as one of our core values.

Aiastudio is specialized in the development of buildings and facilities for innovation, research and science.

Our goal is to integrate design and architecture, promoting research and innovation in a context where we recognize the immense contribution of these disciplines to improve quality of life standards and urban experiences.

Aiastudio have also a large record and experience on restoration, remodeling, interior design and ephemeral projects.

We are not interested in creating aggressive, or spectacular architectural objects, or signature buildings. Our objective is to make buildings with a distinctive flavor and warmth inspired in our roots.

What do we offer?


. Commitment to incorporating our customers’ requirements.

. Delivery of projects and services on time.

. In-house developed working procedures.

. The right pricing for the right services.

. Care for the economical control of the project.

. Added value to the projects our customers can benefit from.


. Highly-skilled staff.

. Experience in more than 200 projects since 2000.

. Trust and loyalty from our previous customers.


. Customer-oriented policy.

. Agile response whenever is needed.

. Ability to work very closely with our clients.

. Easy access to the company staff.

. Ability to adapt our services to our customers’ needs.


. We tailor to customers’ demands while offering our own ideas.

. We integrate several creative teams.

. We deliver unique designs to your project.

. We offer transversal creativity: humanistic & technical.


. We design architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings through efficient and moderate use of materials, energy, and development space. Our aim of sustainability, or ecological design, is to ensure that today’s actions and decisions do not deprive opportunities for future generations.


. Our own management style, constantly improved.

. New services for new needs.

. A continuous education program for our staff.

. Close collaboration with industrialized systems development.


Our working team is formed by highly-skilled and experienced professionals. People committed with quality, service and technical accuracy.

The members of our multidisciplinary team approach problems through creative thinking and are able to reach solutions through a holistic rather than reductionist understanding of complex situations.


Alessandro Sannino

Anna Mezquita

Technical Staff and Project consultants

Technical Architects

Núria Rius

Joan March

Jimmy Sciortino


Francesc Gómez

Ramon Parera

Jaume Boneu


. New buildings and refurbishment

. Full conceptual and construction projects

. Eco designed projects

. Historic buildings interventions

. Building surveying

. Interior design

. Feasibility studies

. Intelligent buildings

. Building refurbishment and renovation projects

. Repair projects (facades, roofs, structure).

. Projects involving change of use for buildings

. Existing building reports

. Energy rehabilitation projects

. Environmental licensing of buildings

. Advisers to obtaining public subventions

. Urban planning

. Landscape projects

. Urban services projects

. Technical audits

. Industrialized systems (integral systems, structural, facades, etc.)

. Health and safety surveys, programs and reports.

. Budget cost and schedules of conditions for buildings.

. Budget comparative analysis.

. “How to build it” development

. Environmental reports.


Public customers:

Universitat de Barcelona (UB):

Centre de Patents

Biologia de macròfags

Centres Científics i Tecnològics de la UB (CCITUB)

Departament de Fisiologia i Inmunologia

Institut de Biomedicina de la Universitat de Barcelona (IBUB)

Neurobiologia del Desenvolupament i de la Regeneració Neuronal

Observatori de Bioètica i Dret (OBD)

Oficina de Projectes Internacionals de Recerca (OPIR)

RMN de Biomolécules

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Generalitat de Catalunya (GENCAT)

Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)

R+D Centres:

Fundació Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (IRBB)

Fundació Institut de Bioingenyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)

IBMB-CSIC- Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Centre Nacional de Anàlisis Genòmica (CNAG)

Other non profit organizations:

Asociación Acondicionamiento Tarrasense (LEITAT)

Consorcio Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)

Federación Europea de Biotecnologia (EFB)

Fundación Bosch i Gimpera (FBG)

Fundación DTI-Donation & Transplantation Institute, (TPM-DTI Foundation)

Fundació Grup d’Afectats d’Esclerosi Múltiple (GAEM)

Fundació Grup de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (Vall d’Hebron)

Fundació Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (europeG)

Fundació Privada Esame

Fundación Sostenibilidad Energética y Ambiental  (FUNSEAM) 


Agrasys, SL

Alucha, SL

Amedyn Healthcare, SL

Applied Research Using Omic Sciences, SL (AROMICS)

Arian International Projects, SLNE

AWS Truepower, SLU

Azierta Contract Scientific Support Consulting, SL

Bioingenium, SL

Biotech Development, SL

Brio Apps Alphasip, SL

Cogstate Spain, SLU

DC Fine Chemicals Spain, SL

DD Biolab, SL

Devicare, SL

Embryotools, SL

Enantia, SL

Endor Nanotechnologies, SL


Eurofins biolab, SL

Eurofins Food Testing Spain, SLU

Euvitro, SL (Clínica Eugin)

Fralexa Bioresearch, SL (ESSENCE BIORESEARCH)

Genmedica Therapeutics, SL

Goldemar Solutions, SL

Greenaltech, SL

Infinitec Activos, SL

Intelligent Pharma, SL

Iproteos, SL

Kymos Pharma Services, SL

Laboratorios Ordesa, SL

Lidesec, SL

Medicalsoft Intercath, SL

Medichem, SA

Meteosim, SL

Mind the Byte, SL

Mitelos Bioscience, SL

Mixestat, SL

Neuroscience Technologies, SLP

Omnia Molecular, SL

Pharma Mar, SAU (PharmaMar)

Pharmaphenix, SL

Prous Institute for Biomedical Research, SA

Recerca Clínica, SL

SiTec Pharmabio, SL

Som Innovation Biotech, SL (SOM BIOTECH)

SM Genomics, SL

STAT-Diagnostica & Innovation, SL

Vivotecnia Research, SL

ZBM Patents, SL

Companies and other associated entities:

Ab Bcn, SL (AntibodyBcn)

ABG Patentes, SL

Bruker Española, SA

Disseny i Optimització de Processos per la Millora Ambiental, SL (DIOPMA)

Fundació per a la Investigació Nutricional (FIN)

Institut de Recerca en Enginyeria Informàtica, SLU (IRI)

Pangaea Biotech, SL

ProteoDesign, SL

Reach Monitor, SLNE

Sani-red, SL